how to download free study material for UPSC books in 2021?

IAS Study Materials and Notes for FREE! 

Is it accurate to say that you are looking for free of charge UPSC study materials? Have you at any point gone over IAS study materials by ClearIAS, previously? 

ClearIAS online examination materials are quite possibly the most basic and simple-to-learn notes regarding any matter. That is the motivation behind why we are similarly cherished by school understudies actually like IAS test clinchers. 

This post contains connections to all UPSC study materials (notes) given by ClearIAS. All online notes are totally free. Our main goal is to make your learning a charming encounter. 

For best outcomes, we emphatically prescribe applicants to follow the three techniques created by ClearIAS in their UPSC readiness. 

ClearIAS TTT approach: We encourage you to make 'T-T-T' ie. 'Reading material', 'Test-arrangement', and 'Procedures' as the centerpiece of your UPSC readiness system. 

ClearIAS Test-based methodology: Mock Exams are the key premise of the ClearIAS learning program. Our technique for preparing is particular that applicants learn by taking fake tests. ClearIAS Test-arrangement – which coordinates learning with test-taking – joins course books and methods to prepare hopefuls test at the soonest. 

ClearIAS Prelims-cum-Main Integrated Approach: By this technique, we plan applicants to get ready for Mains and Prelims in a coordinated way. Covering themes ought to be consolidated. Non-covering points (subject just for Mains) ought to be recognized and scholarly independently. By following this technique, hopefuls will be prepared to confront the Main test a whole lot sooner than different applicants who start exclusively from the Prelims prospectus

Presently, you can purchase online the suggested books for UPSC Prelims and Mains. 

In the UPSC Civil Services study-material-rundown of any genuine applicant, the accompanying classifications of materials are suggested

Standard IAS Books for Civil Services Exam – Eg: Laxmikanth for Indian Polity. 

School and Graduation Text Books – Eg: NCERT, NIOS, IGNOU, and so forth 

Papers and Magazines – Eg: The Hindu, Yojana, Kurukshetra, and so on 

Online UPSC Study Materials – Eg:, Government sites like PIB, and so on 

Test-Series: Take ClearIAS Online Mock Exams 

As you may know, just when tried in a testing climate with negative stamping, you can improve the capacity to convey in the real test corridor. 

Pursue free the UPSC Prelims online false tests by ClearIAS – in the new creative stage which incorporates learning with test-taking. You would be astounded to discover how quickly you can learn! 

Procedures: Develop the correct test abilities 

Accomplishment in UPSC Civil Services Examination (CSE) = half Knowledge + half Skills (Strategies). 

ClearIAS has created different procedures to clear IAS tests easily. Some of them: 

Memory Techniques 

Question Paper Solving Techniques 

Savvy Elimination Techniques 

Notes + Books + Mocks + Skills = Success! 

The prelims-cum-mains technique ought to be a blend of online examination materials and false tests by ClearIAS with disconnected investigation materials like IAS course books and NCERT.


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